United States > Texas > Huntsville
Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home Info
Tollfree: (936) 890-0454Local: (936) 291-7300Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home
Huntsville, TX 77340
Montgomery, TX 77356
Our Mission is to serve your family and friends with honor, respect and sincerity.
Our funeral home is a family owned and operated business. We are large enough to give our families the same service as the largest funeral homes around, yet we are small enough that each family gets the level of attention and care they deserve. Please take a virtual tour of our funeral home and our fleet. Click on smaller images to view larger photographs.
Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home now has three locations, one in Huntsville, Montgomery and now Willis, Texas. Our Willis location includes a cemetery adjacent to the funeral home, Smith Memorial Park.
Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home of Montgomery
Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home of Willis
We wish to extend a personal invitation for you to come by and take a tour of the facility and meet us in person. We look forward to serving all families in this area.
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- Conroe, TX
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- Trinity, TX
- Willis, TX
- The Woodlands, TX