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Funeral Homes in Jacksonville, FL

Is there a difference between a funeral home and a mortuary? Not really, both prepare the deceased for burial. On the East coast the term funeral home is predominantly used, while on the West coast mortuary is preferred. However, mortuaries often have a crematorium on-site. When planning a funeral in Jacksonville, FL, keep in mind that local funeral homes and mortuaries may differ in the cremation and funeral services they offer.

1203 Hendricks Ave
Jacksonville, FL 32207

Local:(904) 396-1611
Funeral Home Profile
Sarah L. Carter's Funeral Home - Southside
2212 Emerson Street
Jacksonville, FL 32207

Local:(904) 399-4150
Funeral Home Profile
7077 Bonneval Rd # 450
Jacksonville, FL 32216

Local:(904) 296-0066
Funeral Home Profile
C. L. Page Mortuary
3031 Moncrief Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32209

Local:(904) 353-4434
Funeral Home Profile
Hardage-Giddens Riverside Funeral Home & Riverside
7242 Normandy Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32205

Local:(904) 781-9262
Funeral Home Profile
4815 Avenue B
Jacksonville, FL 32209

Local:(904) 768-0666
Funeral Home Profile
3027 N Myrtle Ave
Jacksonville, FL 32209

Local:(904) 356-9955
Funeral Home Profile
3631 Moncrief Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32209

Local:(904) 766-0436
Funeral Home Profile
929 W Beaver St
Jacksonville, FL 32204

Local:(904) 354-0545
Funeral Home Profile
4300 Beach Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32207

Local:(904) 396-2522
Funeral Home Profile
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(800) 992-3408 - Toll Free
(904) 641-9705 - Local
(800) 548-1306 - Toll Free
(904) 771-8880 - Local
(888) 956-5050 - Toll Free
(904) 733-5050 - Local
(803) 360-2634 - Local
(800) 972-8918 - Toll Free
(904) 396-2468 - Local
Local Jacksonville florists can help you find the funeral home handling your loved one's service.

Tip - Sending flowers to a funeral service is a good way to show your respect and very comforting to the family.
Florida Funeral Home Director's Association

More Jacksonville, FL Funeral Homes

Kyle McLellan Funeral Home17 West Union Street, Jacksonville, FL, 32202(904) 353-3966
Naugle Funeral Home & Cremation Services808 Margaret St, Jacksonville, FL, 32204(904) 683-9288
Agape Funeral Home1248 Edgewood Ave N, Jacksonville, FL, 32254(904) 683-9093
COREY-KERLIN FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATORY1426 Rowe Ave, Jacksonville, FL, 32208(904) 768-2596
Funerals By TS Warden4315 N Main Street, Jacksonville, FL, 32206(904) 765-1234
Eternity Funeral Home & Cremation Centre4856 Oakdale Ave, Jacksonville, FL, 32207(904) 348-5579
Sarah L. Carter's Funeral Home Northside Chapel6665 New Kings Road, Jacksonville, FL, 32219(904) 765-7817
COREY-KERLIN FUNERAL HOMES940 Cesery Blvd, Jacksonville, FL, 32211(904) 744-8422
ARLINGTON PARK FUNERAL HOME6920 Lone Star Rd, Jacksonville, FL, 32211(904) 724-6384
HARRY BROWN FUNERAL HOME2719 W EDGEWOOD AVE, Jacksonville, FL, 32209(904) 551-1790
HARDAGE-GIDDENS FUNERAL HOMES11801 San Jose Blvd, Jacksonville, FL, 32223(904) 355-5641
BUGGS BELLAMY2936 JERRY LANE, Jacksonville, FL, 32218(904) 768-5282
PEEPLES FUNERAL HOME14165 N. Main Street, Jacksonville, FL, 32218(904) 764-2542
A B COLEMAN MORTUARY5660 Moncrief Rd, Jacksonville, FL, 32209(904) 768-0507
FRASER FUNERAL HOME8168 Normandy Blvd, Jacksonville, FL, 32221(904) 781-4314
GEORGE H HEWELL & SON FUNERAL4140 University Blvd S, Jacksonville, FL, 32216(904) 737-4855
ALPHONSO WEST MORTUARY INC4409 Soutel Dr, Jacksonville, FL, 32208(904) 766-9671
MARION GRAHAM MORTUARY1504 Gandy St, Jacksonville, FL, 32208(904) 765-0310
HOLMES GLOVER SOLOMON FUNERAL DIRECTORS INC4334 Brentwood Ave, Jacksonville, FL, 32206(904) 768-5215
Cedar Bay Funeral Homes405 New Berlin Rd, Jacksonville, FL, 32218(904) 714-1110
GEORGE H HEWELL & SON FUNERAL4747 N Main St, Jacksonville, FL, 32206(904) 355-9545
HARRIS MORTUARY NORTHSIDE2261 Edison Ave, Jacksonville, FL, 32204(904) 388-1831
ARCHANGEL MORTUARY2403 Edison Ave, Jacksonville, FL, 32204(904) 381-8342

About Jacksonville, FL Funeral Homes and Mortuaries Listed

Jacksonville, FL Funeral Homes is brought to you by FSN Funeral Homes. We make every attempt to ensure that funeral home information and listings in our online funeral home directory are complete and accurate. This Jacksonville, FL Mortuaries web page is provided courtesy of the advertising sponsorship of Funeral Homes in Jacksonville. Please let the Jacksonville Funeral Home you do business with know that you found them on the FSN Funeral Homes web site.

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