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United States > Michigan > Higgins Lake

Funeral Homes in Higgins Lake, MI

Is there a difference between a funeral home and a mortuary? Not really, both prepare the deceased for burial. On the East coast the term funeral home is predominantly used, while on the West coast mortuary is preferred. However, mortuaries often have a crematorium on-site. When planning a funeral in Higgins Lake, MI, keep in mind that local funeral homes and mortuaries may differ in the cremation and funeral services they offer.

We currently do not have any funeral homes listed in Higgins Lake, MI. Please view these nearby results.

Walsh Funeral Home
143 Lake St.
Roscommon, MI 48653

Local:(989) 275-3600
Funeral Home Profile
Christler Funeral Home: Houghton Lake Chapel
6651 Houghton Lake Dr
Houghton Lake, MI 48629

Local:(989) 422-5711
Funeral Home Profile
1471 W Houghton Lake Dr
Prudenville, MI 48651

Local:(517) 366-7212
Funeral Home Profile
Christler Funeral Home: Prudenville Chapel
1471 West Houghton Lake Dr
Prudenville, MI 48651

Local:(989) 366-7212
Funeral Home Profile
PO Box 422
Grayling, MI 49738

Local:(517) 348-2951
Funeral Home Profile
Steurnol McClaren

Saint Helen, MI 48656

Local:(989) 389-7423
Funeral Home Profile
PO Box 706
Lake City, MI 49651

Local:(231) 839-4334
Funeral Home Profile
PO Box 73
Kalkaska, MI 49646

Local:(231) 258-5121
Funeral Home Profile
Kalkaska Funeral and Cremation Services
152 S. Cedar St.
Kalkaska, MI 49646

Local:(231) 258-3346
Funeral Home Profile
Burkholder Family Funeral Home, LLC
PO Box 38
McBain, MI 49657

Local:(231) 825-8191
Funeral Home Profile
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About Higgins Lake, MI Funeral Homes and Mortuaries Listed

Higgins Lake, MI Funeral Homes is brought to you by FSN Funeral Homes. We make every attempt to ensure that funeral home information and listings in our online funeral home directory are complete and accurate. This Higgins Lake, MI Mortuaries web page is provided courtesy of the advertising sponsorship of Funeral Homes in Higgins Lake. Please let the Higgins Lake Funeral Home you do business with know that you found them on the FSN Funeral Homes web site.

Suggest A Higgins Lake, MI Funeral Home

If you are aware of a Higgins Lake, MI funeral home that is not listed in this funeral home directory, please help us by providing the funeral home's information on the suggest a funeral home form.
Do you also need to find Higgins Lake Hospitals? Use FSNHospitals.com.