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United States > Minnesota > Minneapolis

Funeral Homes in Minneapolis, MN

Is there a difference between a funeral home and a mortuary? Not really, both prepare the deceased for burial. On the East coast the term funeral home is predominantly used, while on the West coast mortuary is preferred. However, mortuaries often have a crematorium on-site. When planning a funeral in Minneapolis, MN, keep in mind that local funeral homes and mortuaries may differ in the cremation and funeral services they offer.

1300 Lowry Ave N
Minneapolis, MN 55411

Local:(612) 522-3622
Funeral Home Profile
2301 Central Ave NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418

Local:(612) 789-3250
Funeral Home Profile
1918 University Ave NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418

Local:(612) 789-8869
Funeral Home Profile
Washburn-McReavy Funeral Chapel: Swanson Chapel
1600 Lowry Avenue N.
Minneapolis, MN 55411

Local:(612) 529-9691
Funeral Home Profile
Evans-Nordby Funeral Homes - Brooklyn Center
6000 Brooklyn Blvd
Minneapolis, MN 55429

Local:(763) 533-3000
Funeral Home Profile
Gill Brothers Southwest Minneapolis Funeral Home
5801 Lyndale Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55419

Local:(612) 861-6088
Funeral Home Profile
Kapala Glodek Malone Funeral Home
7800 Bass Lake Rd
Minneapolis, MN 55428

Local:(763) 535-4112
Funeral Home Profile
Washburn-Mcreavy Funeral Chapels & Cremation Servi
2610 19th Ave NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418

Local:(612) 781-1999
Funeral Home Profile
2300 W Old Shakopee Rd
Minneapolis, MN 55431

Local:(952) 884-8145
Funeral Home Profile
230 13th Ave NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413

Local:(612) 378-1331
Funeral Home Profile
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(612) 788-2328 - Local
(800) 447-1846 - Toll Free
(612) 724-3606 - Local
(800) 407-3281 - Toll Free
(651) 486-0403 - Local
Local Minneapolis florists can help you find the funeral home handling your loved one's service.

Tip - Sending flowers to a funeral service is a good way to show your respect and very comforting to the family.
Minnesota Funeral Home Director's Association

More Minneapolis, MN Funeral Homes

Glen Haven Memorial Gardens & Funeral Chapel5125 W Broadway Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55429(763) 533-8643
SUNSET MEMORIAL CHAPEL2250 Saint Anthony Blvd, Minneapolis, MN, 55418(612) 789-3596
WASHBURN-MC REAVY FUNERAL CHPL200 Central Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN, 55414(612) 379-2368
Waterson Funeral Home4343 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55409(612) 825-4567
Washburn-McReavy Crystal Lake Funeral Chapel and C3816 Penn Ave N, Minneapolis, MN, 55412(612) 521-3677
Washburn-McReavy Funeral Chapels2610 19th Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN, 55418(612) 781-5801
SUNDSETH-ANDERSON FUNERAL HOMEIrving Ave. North, Minneapolis, MN, 55411(612) 529-9291
HENRY W ANDERSON MORTUARY3640 23rd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN, 55407(612) 729-2331
WASHBURN-MC REAVY FUNERAL CHPL2301 Dupont Ave S, Minneapolis, MN, 55405(612) 377-2203
Helen Van Zant Funeral Home7835 Brooklyn Blvd, Minneapolis, MN, 55445(763) 560-4694
Miller Funeral HomeMn Highway 65 NE, Minneapolis, MN, 55432(763) 571-9499
La Paz Funeral Home2535 Park Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55404(612) 871-2700
O E LARSON-OSBORNE MORTUARY2301 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN, 55418(612) 789-3571
WASHBURN-MC REAVY FUNERAL CHPL2901 Johnson St NE, Minneapolis, MN, 55418(612) 781-6828
MILLER FUNERAL HOME6210 Highway 65 NE, Minneapolis, MN, 55432(763) 571-1300
HODROFF & SONS FUNERAL CHAPELS126 E Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55404(612) 871-1234
Washburn-McReavy Dawn Valley Chapel and Memorial P9940 Bush Lake Rd, Minneapolis, MN, 55438(952) 941-7686
THOMSON BROTHERS FUNERAL HOME2535 Park Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55404(612) 871-4407
Billman-Hunt Funeral Chapel2701 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN, 55418(612) 789-3535
Estes Funeral Chapel & Cremation Services2210 Plymouth Ave N, Minneapolis, MN, 55411(612) 521-6744
Songbird Funeral Chapel5904 Ashcroft Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55424(952) 929-1207
NOKOMIS PARK CHAPEL1838 E Minnehaha Pkwy, Minneapolis, MN, 55407(612) 721-1651
HILLSIDE FUNERAL CHAPEL2610 19th Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN, 55418(612) 781-3391
Miller Heights Funeral Home831 40th Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN, 55421(763) 789-3338
Washburn-McReavy Funeral Chapel & Cremation1827 Coon Rapids Boulevard Northwest, Minneapolis, MN, 55433(763) 767-4351
Swanson Funeral Home1600 Lowry Ave N, Minneapolis, MN, 55411(612) 529-9201

About Minneapolis, MN Funeral Homes and Mortuaries Listed

Minneapolis, MN Funeral Homes is brought to you by FSN Funeral Homes. We make every attempt to ensure that funeral home information and listings in our online funeral home directory are complete and accurate. This Minneapolis, MN Mortuaries web page is provided courtesy of the advertising sponsorship of Funeral Homes in Minneapolis. Please let the Minneapolis Funeral Home you do business with know that you found them on the FSN Funeral Homes web site.

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