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Funeral Homes in Pittsburgh, PA

Is there a difference between a funeral home and a mortuary? Not really, both prepare the deceased for burial. On the East coast the term funeral home is predominantly used, while on the West coast mortuary is preferred. However, mortuaries often have a crematorium on-site. When planning a funeral in Pittsburgh, PA, keep in mind that local funeral homes and mortuaries may differ in the cremation and funeral services they offer.

1650 Greentree Rd
Pittsburgh, PA 15220

Local:(412) 921-5350
Funeral Home Profile
2860 Perrysville Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15214

Local:(412) 321-4011
Funeral Home Profile
House of Law, Inc.
9406 Frankstown Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15235

Local:(412) 241-4943
Funeral Home Profile
425 Brownsville Rd
Pittsburgh, PA 15210

Local:(412) 381-3337
Funeral Home Profile
214 Virginia Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15211

Local:(412) 381-2323
Funeral Home Profile
123 North Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15209

Local:(412) 821-6500
Funeral Home Profile
3201 Dobson St
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Local:(412) 682-1562
Funeral Home Profile
11110 Frankstown Rd
Pittsburgh, PA 15235

Local:(412) 242-5100
Funeral Home Profile
388 Center Ave, West View
Pittsburgh, PA 15229

Local:(412) 931-5497
Funeral Home Profile
216 44th St
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Local:(412) 682-3445
Funeral Home Profile
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(800) 245-6312 - Toll Free
(412) 281-1500 - Local
(800) 842-8966 - Toll Free
(412) 687-1595 - Local
(800) 245-6312 - Toll Free
(412) 381-1000 - Local
(800) 448-1774 - Toll Free
(412) 341-5755 - Local
Local Pittsburgh florists can help you find the funeral home handling your loved one's service.

Tip - Sending flowers to a funeral service is a good way to show your respect and very comforting to the family.
Pennsylvania Funeral Home Director's Association

More Pittsburgh, PA Funeral Homes

ODELL ROBINSON JR FUNERAL HOME614 N Taylor Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212(412) 231-6226
LAUGHLIN FUNERAL HOME222 Washington Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15216(412) 531-5100
Wolfe Memorial, LLC3600 Greensburg Pike, Pittsburgh, PA, 15221(412) 731-5001
MC DERMOTT FUNERAL HOME INC1225 Chartiers Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15220(412) 331-3311
DANIEL T D'ALESSANDRO FUNERAL HOME LTD4522 Butler St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15201(412) 682-6500
William Slater II Funeral Service1650 Greentree Road, Pittsburgh, PA, 15220(412) 563-2800
ELMER L HERMAN FUNERAL HOME5204 2nd Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15207(412) 521-2768
ORION C PINKERTON FUNERAL HOME1014 California Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15202(412) 766-5600
ROBINSON FUNERAL HOME2025 Perrysville Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15214(412) 231-4072
MC DONALD-LINN FUNERAL HOME529 California Ave, Avalon, Pittsburgh, PA, 15202(412) 766-7000
FINDLAY C WYLIE FUNERAL HOME11311 Frankstown Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15235(412) 731-2901
DEVLIN FUNERAL HOME806 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, 15229(412) 364-0510
BORON FUNERAL HOME INC1719 Brownsville Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15210(412) 882-1506
Jefferson Memorial Funeral Home, Crematory & Arbor301 Curry Hollow Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15236(412) 655-4501
COSTON FUNERAL HOME INC427 Lincoln Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15206(412) 661-5916
MC CABE BROTHERS FUNERAL HOMES INC6214 Walnut St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15206(412) 661-6282
LAWRENCE T MILLER FUNERAL HOME460 Lincoln Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15202(412) 761-2441
READSHAW FUNERAL HOME INC1503 Brownsville Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15210(412) 882-3850
Slater Funeral & Cremation Services of Sharpsburg820 Main St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15215(412) 782-2211
JOSEPH M SOMMA FUNERAL HOME5405 Steubenville Pike, Pittsburgh, PA, 15244(412) 787-1800
STEPHENS MEMORIAL CHAPEL600 Cedar Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212(412) 231-1285
THOMAS L NIED FUNERAL HOME INC7441 Washington Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15218(412) 271-0345
OLECHOWICZ FUNERAL HOME133 S 18th St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15203(412) 431-0202
JOHN F SLATER FUNERAL HOME INC4201 Brownsville Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15227(412) 881-4100
WILLIAM ECKELS FUNERAL HOME1923 Broadway Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15216(412) 344-5595
HEALY-HAHN FUNERAL HOME INC425 Grant Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15209(412) 821-2940
Wm. Slater & Sons, Inc301 Virginia Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15211(412) 381-3345
SOXMAN FUNERAL HOME LTD7450 Saltsburg Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15235(412) 793-3000
MC Cabe Brothers Inc. Funeral Homes5300 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15224(412) 661-3134
Spriggs - Watson Funeral Home, Inc.720 N Lang Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15208(412) 243-8080
Edward P. Kanai Funeral Home500 Greenfield Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15207(412) 521-1943
WILLIAM F GROSS FUNERAL HOME11735 Frankstown Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15235(412) 242-6540
MILTON E HAMEL MORTUARY169 Mcmurray Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15241(412) 835-4510
STATHERS FUNERAL & CREMATION SERVICES INC1222 Muldowney Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15207(412) 464-4377
HUGHES FUNERAL HOME INC1501 Lowrie St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212(412) 231-4193
John A. Freyvogel Inc.4900 Centre Avenue At Devonshire, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213(412) 621-1665
SPERLING FAMILY FUNERAL SERVICES408 Cedar Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212(412) 321-2022
JAMES J BARRY JR FUNERAL HOME608 E Warrington Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15210(412) 381-2266
H P BRANDT FUNERAL HOME INC1032 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, 15237(412) 364-4444
MILLER-BRADY FUNERAL HOME1550 Lowrie St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212(412) 231-7000
SCHELLHAAS FUNERAL HOME INC707 East St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212(412) 321-6063
LAUGHLIN FUNERAL HOME1008 Castle Shannon Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15234(412) 531-5100
WEST FUNERAL HOME INC2215 Wylie Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219(412) 471-2626
STATHERS FUNERAL & CREMATION SERVICES INC7400 Irvine St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15218(412) 271-7030
ANTHONY G STAAB FUNERAL HOME904 Chartiers Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15220(412) 921-1705
GARY R RITTER FUNERAL HOME1314 Middle St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15215(412) 781-0501
CALVIN SHEFFIELD FUNERAL HOME1125 Allegheny Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15233(412) 322-2530
FRANK F DE BOR FUNERAL HOME1065 Brookline Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15226(412) 561-0380
STEPHEN M BRADY FUNERAL HOME920 Cedar Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212(412) 321-0495
Freyvogel Slater Funeral Directors, Inc.112 Fort Couch Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15241(412) 835-1860
Samuel J. Jones Funeral Home2644 Wylie Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219(412) 621-9644
BRADY MEMORIAL CHAPEL1151 S Side Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212(412) 321-1500
HEARD FUNERAL HOME INC4047 Perrysville Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15214(412) 931-0200
O'BRIEN FUNERAL HOME3724 California Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212(412) 766-1680
ROBERT P KARISH FUNERAL HOME1300 4th Street Ext, Pittsburgh, PA, 15221(412) 271-3430
Vereb Funeral Homes. Pittsburgh. Natrona Heights5106 Second Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15207(412) 521-8116
Aldrich Funeral Homes & George A Warden Funeral Ho1100 N Homewood Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15208(412) 241-3838
L. Beinhauer & Son2630 West Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15216(412) 531-4000
HERSHBERGER-STOVER INC FUNERAL HOME170 Noble Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15205(412) 921-0213
WILLIAM F CONROY FUNERAL HOME2944 Chartiers Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15204(412) 331-5192
JOHN F MURRAY FUNERAL HOME INC5175 Butler St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15201(412) 781-7300
H SAMSON INC FUNERAL HOME1032 Perry Highway, Pittsburgh, PA, 15237(412) 621-2800
Rose Funeral Home & Cremation Services, INC10940 Frankstown Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15235(412) 241-5415
WENSLOVAS MEMORIAL CHAPEL INC1008 Castle Shannon Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15234(412) 431-0400
THOMAS P KUNSAK FUNERAL HOME3552 California Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212(412) 766-5080
Perman Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Inc923 Saxonburg Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15223(412) 486-3600
RALPH SCHUGAR FUNERAL CHAPEL INC5509 Centre Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15232(412) 621-8282
SCHEPNER-MC DERMOTT FUNERAL HOME INC165 Noble Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15205(412) 921-3661
BRUSCO-NAPIER FUNERAL HOME LTD2201 Bensonia Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15216(412) 561-6474
CIESLAK & TATKO FUNERAL HOME2935 Brownsville Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15227(412) 881-2300
Ball Funeral Chapel, Inc.600 Dunster Street, Pittsburgh, PA, 15226(412) 343-1506
STEPHEN P DOLENCE JR FUNERAL HOME557 Unity Center Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15239(412) 793-0800
White Memorial Chapel800 Center St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15221(412) 241-7998
SIMONS FUNERAL HOME INC7720 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, 15237(412) 367-3100
OGRODNIK-HEALY-HAHN FUNERAL HOME333 Butler St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15223(412) 781-0571
GRIFFITH MORTUARY INC5636 Brownsville Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15236(412) 655-4400
HOUSE OF LAW INC9406 Frankstown Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15235(412) 241-3955
JOHN J GMITER FUNERAL HOME INC119 S 15th St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15203(412) 431-0867
Maurice L Knee LTD Funeral Home7663 Saltsburg Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, 15239(412) 798-9740
THOMAS J GMITER FUNERAL HOME2323 E Carson St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15203(412) 431-1029
THOMAS M SMITH FUNERAL HOME & CEMATORY930 Center Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15238(412) 828-5700
JOHN N ELACHKO FUNERAL HOME3447 Dawson St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213(412) 682-3257

About Pittsburgh, PA Funeral Homes and Mortuaries Listed

Pittsburgh, PA Funeral Homes is brought to you by FSN Funeral Homes. We make every attempt to ensure that funeral home information and listings in our online funeral home directory are complete and accurate. This Pittsburgh, PA Mortuaries web page is provided courtesy of the advertising sponsorship of Funeral Homes in Pittsburgh. Please let the Pittsburgh Funeral Home you do business with know that you found them on the FSN Funeral Homes web site.

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